
We have a wonderful team of volunteers who offer support and their unique skill set at both Inclusion School and Inclusion College.  These varied roles include supporting art sessions, table tennis expertise, music development and offering another friendly face and supportive voice for our learners. 

We would also welcome volunteers to support our services at Inclusion Education, with lots of varied roles and projects which would benefit from additional help such as admin, fundraising, events and photography. 

If you think you would like to get involved and volunteer some of your time then please do contact the office on info@inclusioneducation.org.uk to discuss further. Tempted to volunteer?  Take a look at some volunteer stories and find out why you should get involved

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Nerys started volunteering at the college in October 2021. 

What is your volunteer role at Inclusion? 

My volunteer role at Inclusion involves spending time with the learners, getting to know them, assisting them with any work they are completing, discussing their hobbies or interests and just generally supporting the learners in whatever they are engaged in on the day. I also participate in music sessions with one learner which has been extremely rewarding and so lovely to see her progress and her confidence build every week!

What made you want to volunteer at Inclusion?

I am currently doing my Masters degree in Applied Social Psychology after completing an Undergraduate degree in Psychology with Criminology. I have always wanted to work with young people and apply my skills and knowledge from my degree into an environment which I believe is extremely supportive. I came to the Inclusion open day to have a look around as I was looking for some volunteering work to support my degree, and Marie made me feel at ease and she was very interested in me coming to volunteer. The energy in the building was amazing and the learners I met on the day were so welcoming!

What is your favourite thing about volunteering at Inclusion?

My favourite thing about volunteering at Inclusion is the atmosphere. The staff and learners are so supportive of one another and they all take an interest in each other’s achievements. They always ask me how my degree is going and give me words of encouragement as well as giving me a ‘Good Luck’ card before my exam which was so thoughtful and kind. The learners also take an interest in my life which helps build rapport and a relationship from week to week, catching up on the things we have all accomplished. I have really enjoyed getting involved in activities such as life skills week helping learners to sew, change bed sheets, iron and change a lightbulb, as well as mental health awareness week where I participated in Yoga with the learners! Each week I learn something new about myself and some of the learners which is great.The environment at Inclusion is so uplifting and happy, and I always look forward to walking in on a Thursday to a room of smiling faces!

Anything you would like to add about your experience at Inclusion? 

Since volunteering at Inclusion it has been amazing to see the learners progress. I only see a handful on a Thursday but each and every one of them has progressed in some way and being able to witness their achievements and successes is an absolute pleasure. I feel part of the team and have thoroughly enjoyed volunteering in such a supportive, nurturing, happy and engaging environment!

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Josh started volunteering with us in March 2022

What is your volunteer role at Inclusion?

My volunteer role is sharing music creation skills. Our sessions usually include listening to each learner’s favourite music and picking out elements and parts we really like. Some learners feel inspired to sing, play along or create something entirely new with the fantastic music creation equipment we have at Inclusion College.

What made you want to volunteer at Inclusion?

I was interested in volunteering and using my music in a different way and so I went to have a look around the college. I was amazed by the facilities, the brilliant learners and the lovely team.

What is your favourite thing about volunteering at Inclusion?

I really enjoy the wide range of things we do with music and getting to know the learners. It’s so fun listening and creating lots of different music which I otherwise would have never tried. Every session is different and I seem to always come away feeling like I’ve learned something new!

Anything you would like to add about your experience at Inclusion?

Inclusion is such a cool place. Going in is always a highlight of my week and the environment the learners and team have created is awesome.